Sunday, November 25, 2012


had an amazing thanksgiving here, all was well, our guests came and went in shifts as they always do. lovedove and her mother cooked everything and did way more work than they usually do, because i was pretty much relaxing with my feet up for most of the day. i felt super fortunate to be surrounded by food and family and thoroughly enjoyed the day. i did my fair share of eating for 2, and have continued to do so, because as the host home, we wind up with most of the leftovers. however, i must say, there is still some of both pies (apple and pumpkin) and there is still vanilla ice cream AND we still have whipped cream. thats some kind of amazing in this house 3 full days after the main feast. the highlight of my day was making my sister feel the baby. i had tried to share baby with a few other family members, but as always, she decided to play hide and seek hide, and didn't really let anyone else feel her. my sister got a swift kick in the head from baby as she momentarily put her had on my belly, and i also got her to feel some of baby's hiccups.

sofia has been on a no nap kick for the last 5 days or so, which drives me nuts, but she's been holding up ok. she gets completely zombied out, and we usually make her stay in her room for a while, but she refuses to sleep. she's so strong willed its scary. all in all, she is still a very well behaved little girl and im thankful for that. today she did a numbers and shapes puzzle all by herself. i was amazed bc she usually gets frustrated pretty easily and demands help, so i was super proud of her. she's also been coming up with some interesting sentences lately. sometimes lovedove and i look at each other to try to figure out where she got whatever new vocabulary word she threw into the mix. today she said "i'm running quickly" and we were baffled as to where she learned the word quickly. its an odd phenomenon to witness.

we've been kind of vegging out and just relaxing this weekend. its been lovely, to me at least. i like having days where we do nothing because so much of our life is tightly packed with activities and usually tightly scheduled. we did venture out yesterday to visit lovedove's mom at the bank she works at, and go for a quick lunch at McD's. I've been eating way too much fast food lately, but only because of said tight schedule and all of my doctor appointments. today our outing included a trip to bab.iesRus and we bought a new diaper bag, one 2 pack of binkies, and new nipples for baby's  bottles. i can't believe we're at the point to do this shopping already but we are.

tomorrow begins my 3 appts, split between mondays and thursdays every week until i deliver, and i have an appt with my regular endo on tues. (i still have not gotten the shipment my diabetes supplier sent out on monday, which i dont even understand, but i was luckily able to grub some strips off of lovedove's grandma. i had helped her out a while ago in a similar situation so i was thrilled that she could help me. the last thing i want to do is blow $50 on 50 testing strips at a local pharmacy, when i get hundreds of them for a $15 copay in my usual shipments.) so long story short, this week there are dr's appts on mon, tues, and thurs, and then saturday is my friend sprinkle. we are giving sofia to my parents for all of saturday and saturday night. they are taking her to disney on ice and hopefully nothing more. im having some anxiety over the fact that they are taking a cab to and from the event, hence sofia won't be in a car seat. my mom knows a neighborhood cab driver who has driven both her and my sister home millions of times so they're going to call him, but its just my regular old anxiety over things i can't control kicking in. i've certainly struggled with anxiety more during this pregnancy more than i ever have in my life. im hoping that my anxiety level goes back to its pre-pregnancy (nearly non-existent) level once baby is here.

so yea, this seems like the home stretch, the ticker says 56 more days, but it still feels like a long time away. im sure it will fly, but im not going to say that im not looking forward to non-pregnant life. my lower back/spine pain gets annoying, and my pelvic area pain (that comes and goes, nothing im concerned about) isn't pleasant either. its nothing atrocious though and im very thankful for that.

lovedove and i may have decided on a new middle name, i really like it, and i like that it's more of lovedove's pick. i like that we now have an option other than the one name that we were thinking so i'll be happy to take a look at baby and know that we have more than only one option.

at my sono on thurs jane the newbie sono tech, said baby weighed in at 3lbs14ozs so i was happy with that. the pics from this week were eerily ghostly. needless to say i have my fingers crossed that jane doesn't work on mondays.

hoping everyone enjoyed their holiday and everyone is doing well. have a good week ladies.

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