Friday, December 7, 2012

i dont know how some ladies do it.

i feel huge already, and i don't think im actually carrying that large. my own mobility/comfort complaints lead me to question how other women do it. what about ladies who aren't built bigger like me? how do they cart around this huge belly on a tiny body? what about women who carry multiples, holy moly, how do they do it with 2 babies in there? my cousin had twins 2 years ago. she carried those 2 to 40 weeks and was literally the size of a house. she needed physical help to get on and off of the couch each time, and now she's back to being the size of a toothpick. women are truly amazing. paft of me feels like a very accomplished pregnant lady, i didn't have many physical complaints until recently, and i was pretty active (lovedove laughs at me when i say that bc she doesn't think its true) but i mean active in terms of taking sofia out on errands, and to playgroup, and story time, and to visit her grandparents during the day, and then i went to work most afternoons. i feel good about that. as lazy as i feel now, and i know i have felt pretty lazy through most of this pregnancy, i still feel like i did a good job in the care i provided to sofia during the majority of this pregnancy. anyway, onto baby things.

at my holiday party for work on weds night, i ate a ton, which led me to feel like a turducken. i felt like i had a full baby belly, inside of my full momma belly, and it made me think of a turducken. not sure if this is a commonly known thing, but if anyone doesn't know what a turducken is, its a deboned chicken, stuffed into a deboned duck, stuffed into a deboned turkey.

baby seems to have alternating days of activity and slower days of rest. i totally love feeling her, and im kind of getting excited that some of her movements are getting uncomfortable to experience. makes me feel like im getting closer and closer to meeting her. i mean i know i actually am, but it still seems like forever away. though yesterday lovedove said to me "amy, if you get induced 2 weeks early, we could have this new baby in a month", and my brain was like no, that wouldn't be until the beginning of january, and then i was like, riiiiiiight. its getting very close now, its hard to believe. this pregnancy has been the fastest thing in the world and the slowest thing in the world, simultaneously. its an incredible phenomenon all around.

at my sono and nst yesterday, baby measured 5lbs5ozs, which im not sure i believe, the pro tech's first guess was 5lbs1oz, but once she plugged the measurements into the computer it said 5-5, but i wouldn't mind a bigger baby. i want some chubby cheeks to squeeze and some rolls on those thighs! i love chubby babies! i know my vagina probably won't agree, but that's such a temporary discomfort, says the lady who has yet to experience a vaginal delivery.

anyway, im totally looking forward to this weekend. we're doing christmas shopping sans sofia later today, and tomorrow we're taking the xmas picture and maybe getting the tree. sunday is the last day of basketball games for the NYCGBL and we're gonna go to watch and show off my belly and see everyone one last time before we've got 2 kids. holy moly. 2 kids. this is going to be very very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. It IS getting closer! So exciting! I love the turducken reference.

    I was one of those strange, annoying women who did not really get ridiculously uncomfortable during my pregnancy -- and I will say I think there might be some benefit to finally just wanting the baby OUT of there (because when mine came, I was kind of surprised... and happy, but not relieved like so many women seem to be)... maybe that's a silver lining? Okay, probably not.
