Wednesday, July 11, 2012

13 weeks and the "world" knows

sono last week went great, hb was at 156, completely normal. without further adieu....
there blueberry is, looking a lot bigger than last time and a lot more like (the beginning stages of) a baby. lovedove got to hear the heart beat and we got to see the baby jumping around. i couldn't believe it, especially since i swear sofia slept through every single ultrasound we ever had with her. it seemed like each time they were trying to get a good picture of the back of the baby's nech s/he would jump and mess up their shot. it was crazy. the results of the nuchal came back fine, both the measurement of the back of the baby's neck and the blood results show that right now everything is going well, thank God.

pregnancy handed me an unpleasant gift last week. a minor Y.I.(yeast infection). I hate them so much and read online about how to handle it, i know, not the best thing to do for any medical issue. i just get so grossed out by YIs and i hate admitting when i have one. the first one i had was when i was unaware that i was a diabetic and my sugars were out of control and it was HORRIBLE. this was just uncomfortable and i just used a 3 day cream to take care of it. from everything i read Y.I.s are more common during pregnancy and there are a number of factors that could have contributed to the development of the issue. being in a wet bathing suit often, lowering the dose/going off the progesterone (which has not made any difference in the boob tenderness arena), etc etc etc. im glad its over, but i will probably mention it to my dr tomorrow at my appt just to see what she thinks about how to handle them if it happens again.

i finally got my car back from the shop and it looks wonderful and im glad that is all over. i had left the container for the 24hr urine collection in the car so i keep putting that off. i intend to complete that project this sunday.

in other medical news, im having my eyes checked on friday, and my medical supplier is no longer carrying the testing strip that i use. SHOOT ME. now i either have to go back to carrying a 3rd device to check my sugar, or i need to find another medical supplier, that takes my insurance, that is still going to carry these strips. i cant wait until technology advances some more and they can combine my three devices into one. i dont even need a permanent implant in my lifetime that does it all on its own, id just love to combine all of the technology and only have to carry one device, even if i still have to wear two. annoyance, this is something on my to-do list that im putting off but i only have about another 4-5 weeks of strips, so it looks like i'll need to figure this out sooner rather than later when im panicking.

and........ the world knows about my pregnancy now. we made fb announcements over the weekend, AND pretty much everyone at my job knows. one of my coworkers asked "when i was going to tell her the obvious", and i really dont think its that obvious (im pretty sure word got around to her), but i think i am starting to "show" slightly. im excited. none of my pants/shorts zip anymore and im fully reliant on maternity clothes/bella.bands. im happy to see that my body is changing and i cant wait to have a big baby belly.

im about to get a jump on starting dinner before sofia wakes up from her very rare afternoon nap but i wanted to post, bc ive been such a slacker. i still read everyone's stuff and am rooting for everyone!
i have a dreams post coming to sum up the dreams of the first trimester, it will be short but pretty hysterical. stay tuned.


  1. Congrats on 13 weeks. I told people last week too, and wow is it ever a big relief. I'm sad we won't get to see our babe til 18-20 weeks, but we chose not to do genetic testing. I'm really looking forward to seeing him/her on screen.

  2. Yay! Look at that! :) And congrats on the FB officialness - it's fun to have others excited along with you!
