Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ivf it is

got the call yesterday that my insurance company has approved ivf for me. yay!! they have however denied icsi, and assisted hatching. i have a lot of trouble with how expensive this whole process is going to be despite having wonderful amazing insurance coverage, we're not a family that makes a ton of money. we're a duo made up of a public school teacher and a part time social worker. we do have a little money on the side, saved specifically for family creation, so, um, so there i guess. i know ill get over the money of it very soon, because i am well aware that i just need to focus all of my thoughts on super prepping for pregnancy now, its just a hard pill to swallow. my wife's process was the simplest, fastest, easiest thing ever. i just feel like the one who costs our family all of this time and money. but, alas, this is something that is non negotiable for me. i want to experience a pregnancy, and birth a baby more than anything in this world, and if this is the road we need to go down to get there, then so be it. ivf it is.

with that im off to start on the to-do list my doctor gave me last night when we spoke. i need to (unfortunately) get back in touch with the diabetes in pregnancy program that has already given me so much frustration, because he wants me to get their clearance again. its been 4-6 months since they did any evaluation of my physical health. so i have to call and make an appt and i guess eventually ill voice my gripes about feeling abandoned with the lack of follow up. i wish there was another place to turn to, but i refuse to go into Manhattan as i know ill be visiting often once i am pregnant. the only other option is even further away from home than this place is, and i dont want to be hauling sofia longer distances than i need to.

next i need to get cleared with the billing dept at my doctor's office, and sign up for an ivf orientation, which is only offered tuesday nights, at their far away location, at 6pm. at least it will be a night off from work for me. whatever. i need to do what i need to do.

so those are the things on my do to do list. did i mention i lost my wallet over the weekend? yea, shoot me. such a pain in the ass to cancel all of my credit cards, order new medical insurance cards, and sort out my bank stuff. no fun at all.

oh yea, almost forgot today is valentines day!  Happy Valentines Day everyone! Sofia and i are going to have lunch with my Dad, Sofia's "Pops", in a few so i better get her down to nap soon. 

** if you are not up for really bad news do not continue. i dont mean to end this (Valnetines day) post on such a sad note, but this broke my heart.

 heard the saddest news every on friday night, about kaci & cory from the real L word. my wife and i both cried, more than once. what a horrifying story. my heart goes out to them and i hope that time and support helps them find a way to heal and try to put their lives back together. the details of their tragic loss is chronicled here(their blog). there simply are no words that fit a situation like theirs. my heart just breaks for them.


  1. I am so glad to hear you have been approved for IVF!!! Things are so much easier when a plan is in place and waiting on the insurance approval is a bit maddening. I am not sure if you have the need (of what your insurance is covering) but I have left over "supplies" that you would be welcome to if it would financial help and happen to be the same "supplies." Just email me.
    Good luck!

    1. wow what a super generous offer. once i find out exactly what they want me to use i may contemplate taking you up on that. thanks for the support! looking fwd to your next update :o)

  2. Hooray for the approval and another step! Sorry about the wallet - that is never ever fun (and even less fun when you find it somewhere ridiculous months later)

    1. at this point im hoping i never find it, i had to make so many phone calls. ug. thanks for reading & commenting!
