Thursday, June 14, 2012

gummy bear update

thankfully, yesterday's appointment went very well. i had to go alone, no children are allowed, lovedove had to work, but i was only a little nervous because i've been feeling so crappy, so i was pretty sure things were going well. the sono tech was super nice and the pictures we got were pretty cool. without further delay, here's blueberry 9 weeks in:
i know, meh, just looking blob-ie.

THEN she went into the 3d/4d stuff, and that's when it got really exciting! i didn't even know they could see anything like this, this early.
my little color titles are the body parts she pointed out. i dont think i would have figured any of that out. well i might have, but i don't think i would have thought i was right.
this baby truly does resemble a gummy bear at this point. the sonogram experience was so awesome. i saw the blueberry gummy bear bounce around for a second, saw the heart beating (again) 180 bpm (nice and strong she said), and got to hear it for the first time. it was amazing, she played the audio clip twice for me. i think im still kind of in shock. i understand what pregnant is, and other people understand what pregnant is/means, but i think we tend to forget exactly how much is going on inside our bodies when we are pregnant. its really nuts.

my brain is too scattered to type much more. i needed a change from the crazy follicle party backround from the stim period of our journey. i know this backround is still a little busy, but thats me. i'm not that calm of an energy.

wanted to get these pics up for any interested onlookers.

ps. the pic says gestational age is 8w3d, i guess thats the info from my lmp. the dr said that the baby is measuring 9w, which corresponded exactly with the ivf dates. so im pretty sure im 9w1d today. thats what im sticking to. im not second guessing myself anymore.


  1. So cute :). And so amazing how these little beings grow from just two cells to a gummi bear to a full term baby! Can't wait to see the next pic :)
