Monday, June 4, 2012

weekend fun (and a freak out)

after my friday morning madness, i had a friend come over and cooked sofia and I an amazing lunch. then, she also stayed so that once lovedove got home from work, we could run back and forth to the laundromat without having to put sofia in and out of the car seat a thousand times (obvious tip to parents-to-be: friends double as great babysitters). we ended friday on the couch with the shawshank redemption, which i had never seen. clearly an amazing movie, i was glad to finally see it. saturday we were up and out early. had to make a quick trip to the mall for lovedove to search for and purchase a new bathing suit top to match bottoms she recently purchased, and then we were off to a friend's house for our first pool party of the summer. we got there around 2pm and sofia lasted until 8:30! an amazing feat for her at this time of year, she is usually in bed at 7/7:30 but we are going to try to alter her sleep schedule so that she'll be able to be up later during the summer. if we don't she's likely to wake up at or before 7 every morning and who wants that? not me, thats for sure. we really had a great time and it was nice to swim and bbq.

sunday we were up and out early again. we were headed to church, a  place we haven't been able to get to lately due to busy schedules, events, etc, poor excuses i know, but we are only comfortable going to the family mass because we feel like there is more leeway for sofia's behavior. she's usually pretty good as long as we bring things to keep her busy. the unforgettable moment at church was when we went up to receive communion. i always hold her in my left arm and receive with my right. well after i received, sofia decided she wanted to receive as well, and dug her hand into the paten (the plate the eucharistic minister holds with the pieces of the eucharist on/in it) in the split second it took me to bless myself before i began to walk back to the pew! a few pieces fell on the floor and i was mortified. i apologized to the eucharistic minister before we walked away and then i quietly cracked up. lovedove (was ahead of me so she missed the whole thing) and couldn't believe it when i told her what happened. i wonder what the people behind me thought. o geez. it did provide us with a few laughs. what better reason is there to ask for God's forgiveness lol.

after church we headed to a local gay pride event (June is Gay pride month) and met up briefly with a few friends. we kind of did our own thing though as our friends stayed in bars (the common non-family way of celebrating), and we walked around the festival, the family version of celebrating gay pride. lovedove, sofia, and i shared a smoothie, some watermelon, and a lemonade and watched some of the parade. all of that walking, plus braving the subway steps, and i was exhausted when we got home. we were home by 3:30pm and i was ready for bed by about 6. i stayed up and just layed on the couch and watched tv with lovedove. my night did include a trip to cvs for snacks i was craving.

our lovely weekend seemed to come to a screeching halt in the early evening when i discovered some slight spotting. i'm used to seeing some brown/tan discharge, sometimes even a little pink, but this time it had a little bit of red in it. fast forward to my brain going to worst case scenario and i was pretty paranoid for the rest of the night. it was only a single episode in the bathroom, but it was a color i haven't seen yet and it freaked me the fuck out. i dreamt about trying to get into some kind of clinic for them to give me a sonogram and tell me that everything was fine, but when i got there they treated me for an ear infection. go figure. needless to say, i slept really poorly, called the practice im trying to become a pt at to see if there were any openings for new pts (and told her.. the same moron i spoke to on friday... that i had some spotting) and she told me no, to just keep calling to see if there are cancellations. after that phone call i placed a call to my fave nurse at my RE's office just to get her advice. should i wait around at this place for the next 2 weeks, or should i seek treatment elsewhere? im waiting for her call back now, i dont expect to hear from her until the afternoon. sigh. i just hope everything is ok.

i think im 7w5d today, and i feel like 8 weeks pregnant sounds truly pregnant. i just feel like every day is so long and all i want to do is tack on more days to this pregnancy and hope that soon ill be less of a nervous wreck. im really not sure if i will get to that point at any point in my pregnancy but i hope i do.

at this point in time i have zero doctor appointments this week, but i do have plans for weds and thurs during my non working hours. as much as i dont look forward to going to work, it does seem to be the best option for me to not think about myself or this pregnancy for a few hours. i still feel mildly nauseous throughout the day and a few times this has made eating challenging. other than that im fatigued, my boobs are larger than ever, and im irritable and have no filter as far as what comes out of my mouth. its interesting to experience.

im tired of typing so im sure you're tired of reading, but thats whats going on. hoping to feel shittier and shittier as the days go on so that i can be more assured that things are going ok with the blueberry.


  1. I like to tack on extra days too and felt a little heartbroken when my ultrasound dated the baby about 1-2 days behind. I just ignore that and go by my conception date :) ... made the 8 week mark today based on that. I'm still waiting for that day that "sounds truly pregnant". For me, I think that's 12 weeks when I can share, I guess.

  2. I hope everything is okay! The office you're working with sounds kind of rough -- I wonder if this will be someplace you're comfortable with once you jump through all the hoops it seems you need to jump through to get there. I hope on the other side they are super wonderful to make up for this rocky start!
