Friday, April 6, 2012

the follow up

it was a really quick visit, just took a peek with the speculum, and did a 3 second manual exam, and it seems that everything went well enough. he confirmed that i had one polyp removed and then im pretty sure he said something about adenomyosis, which only stuck in my brain as "some really long A word" and i was only able to narrow down the options for what that might be after a bit of googling when i got home. however he said was not a "critical issue". he asked if we were good to go after my next "bleed" (i totally hate when he says it like that), and i was like yes definitely. he said all of the biopsy results were benign which was nice to hear, thank god. from what ive read on adenomyosis it doesnt seem like much to worry about, and there are contradicting opinions on whether or not it impacts fertility. apparently it only occurs in 10% of women who also have endometriosis. i feel like i have to be the god damn poster child for so many things. yes im a diabetic, and yes i have a thyroid issue as well, and yes im a lesbian, and yes i have endometriosis, and a blocked fallopian tube, and i had a polyp removed, and yes, i might as well have adenomyosis too just for good measure. i have no problem labeling myself, but i wish i could be without many of those medical labels. truly though, im just thankful that there arent more of them, and they're manageable/not life threatening.

im ready for my spring break. lovedove is off until the 16th, and im only working 2 days next week. super nice for family time, but really shitty for the paycheck. whatever, its fine.

anyway, happy easter everyone, enjoy spring break!

1 comment:

  1. Medical labels suck... as do others too sometimes. Just remember that there are some really good labels too :)
