i managed to hold my pee for 5 hours (the entire time i was at work) and got home and tested again.
so im happy that there is still a line there and im starting to get kind of optimistic. i have activities and outings lined up for the early part of the next two days, and in the afternoon/evenings ill be at work. so theoretically one would think that the next two days should fly and ill be at my beta appt on friday morning in no time. i guess thats not really likely but im hoping. i will be continuing to PoSS (some sticks.... courtesy of Roxxroxx) but ill spare you the viewing of things i've peed on from here on out. I may post a single picture of them all laid out in chronological order once im done peeing on things. (truly though, these tests come with a tiny eye dropper kind of thing so i pee in a plastic cup and then apply the designated 4 drops to the test. so im not actually peeing on anything.) like i said earlier, my goal is just to make these hpts my b*tch (i mean that as non-derogatorily towards women as possible, just couldnt think of another way to say it) and to just be as informed as i can be prior to my beta on friday.
qotd 22
how has your financial situation affected your fertility journey?
personally i feel like this question should be worded the other way around. for us, we knew that family creating/baby making would be pricey because we couldn't do it ourselves, so when we got married and got many monetary gifts, we put a good chunk of that money into a savings account.we did our best to never touch that account ever, it was strictly reserved for baby/family things and/or emergency use. that savings account has allowed us to explore all options necessary to date. it may be half of what it once was, but you cant really put a price on family expansion.
i mean i definitely understand how if you dont have amazing insurance like we do, your financial situation would certainly affect the decisions you'd be making. we just got lucky with insurance and we managed to plan for this kind of situation just enough (it seems). im just thankful that we've been able to make the decisions we have been able to make without thinking about super drastic financial stuff. its drastic enough, but its not like we have a mortgage to pay, didnt have to sell a car, etc, or anything like that.
Very exciting! If all goes well, it looks like we may be pregnancy buddies!!